Our Impression on Malaysia Real Escape Game Operators


Here’s all the real escape game operators in Malaysia that we’ve played, and our impression of them. This list will be updated from time to time, as we play more games.


Site: http://www.breakout.com.my/

Escaped: 5/5 (Avenue K), 6/7 (NuSentral KL)

Our reviews: Breakout Avenue K, Breakout NU Sentral

Read our interview with the Breakout game creators.

Impression: The best overall experience you could get from a real escape game in Malaysia. Apart from awesomely thematic + designed rooms, I particularly like their emblems because it’s a bragging point and a souvenir of achievement (and you could only get it if no hints are used).  Superb and dedicated staffs. Overall a pleasant experience every time we’re there. Highly recommended for anyone to try all their rooms! Check out the new Breakout outlet in NuSentral KL, totally awesome~!

Break The Code Plus

Site: http://www.breakthecode.com.my/plus/

Escaped: 3/7 (Penang), 7/? (One U, KL)

Our reviews: Break The Code @ Penang, Break The Code @ One U

Impression: We like the movie themes in their games. Be prepared for lots of electrical technologies, which may be a wow factor if you like lots of buttons, switches and wiring. The latest offering, Ghost Bomber, which blends elements of the Amazing Race, Running Man and CSI, will promise you an adrenaline-pumped escape hunt experience that no other escape games in Malaysia have offered yet.

Code Factory

Site: http://codefactory.com.my/

Escaped: 4/4

Our reviews: Code Factory @ Jaya SC

Impression: Just opened in September 2014, and I think it’s a game changer for real escape game (at least in Malaysia). The immersion you get from their rooms are quite unique, and would used more unique solving skills that the usual games we’ve played so far. The bosses are really passionate about their games and is willing to listen to comments, and we really appreciate that.
Another operator that is worth going until all is done and sulk while waiting for the next big one.

Seems like there will be more new games coming soon from them!

Escape Dungeon

Updated 5/2015: No longer in operation :/

Escaped: 2/4

Our reviews: Escape Dungeon

Impression: Has one of the creepiest rooms out there.

Escape Ninja Entertainment

Updated 5/2015: No longer in operation :/

Site: http://www.escapeninja.com/

Escaped: 4/4

Our reviews: Escape Ninja!

Impression:  Some cool mechanisms in their God mode escape room, which requires some (minimal) teamwork. Come here only if you really like hard core number/maths/logic puzzles. Still need lots of improvement in terms of themes, room setup/decor, mechanics and wow factor. Hinting/walkthrough handbook is a fresh experience, which may be favourable for first timers to explore the workings of an escape game…

Escape Room

Site: http://escaperoom.com.my/

Escaped: 11/?

Updated 7/2015: Setia Walk Outlet No longer in operation :/

Our reviews: Escape Room @ eCurve, Escape Room @ Setiawalk

Impression: The one that started it all, and the one that has the most branches nationwide. We all here in Escman League all agree that we enjoyed most, if not all of the initial rooms, such as Prison Break, Pirate Ship, Mysterious Room, etc. in which all comes with surprises, good mechanics, superb production…However, the latter rooms are.. umm.. piece of junk. They have somehow become so purely focused on making money and somehow lost the initial passion in making good rooms, we here would always prefer any other operators nowadays than to get disappointed at yet another sucky room.


Site: https://www.facebook.com/escapismmy?fref=ts

Escaped: ??

Our reviews: Coming soon!

Impression:”By escapers, for escapers!” Our fellow gamers from Team Ca.speeds flex their muscles in designing their ultimate games for a new experience for escape gamers. Opening soon. Follow their Facebook site for more updates.

Freeing Room

Escaped: 2/4

Updated 7/2015: No longer in operation :/

Our reviews: Freeing Room KL @ Cheras

Impression: Nice stories and concept, particularly that the stories of each rooms are linked between one another. However, their england is limited hence a grammar nazi like me is frustrated half the time wanting to correct their words. Another downfall is their production quality a mediocre at best, hence no matter how good is an idea, the execution always seems to fall short. We would still finish their room, but won’t be on our top of the list.

Lockdown KL

Site: http://lockdownkl.com/

Escaped: 3/4

Our reviews: Coming soon!

Impression: Lockdown KL is a fresh import from Singapore in 2015, a partnership of game designers from two continents (Hungary and Singapore!). Although the themes appear a little pedestrian for seasoned escape gamers (prison, kidnap, espionage etcetc), the inspiration and backstory is definitely novel and unique (based on true story, designed using motivational psychology as the cornerstone). Logically convincing puzzles with applaudable efforts in localizing some puzzles. Overall, we had a pleasant escape experience with Lockdown KL.


Updated 5/2015: SS15 outlet no longer in operation, new outlet in Queensbay Mall, Penang

Site: http://www.mission-q.com/

Escaped: 5/5 + 1 discontinued

Our reviews: Mission-Q @ SS15

Impression: Their room does not stand out at any particular category, and yet when you asked any regular escapees, one would always recommend their rooms, us included. My favorite room would still be Day & Night where it’s one of the best execution for split team rooms. Definitely check out their rooms.
*Find our hidden photos at their place, we have one under a lamp~!

Mission Break

Updated 6/2015: No longer in operation :/

Escaped: 2/4

Our reviews: Mission Break @ Mahkota Cheras

Impression: Endless-frustrating-flimsy-no-lead searches, otherwise bearable. hmmm… i don’t think I’ll go back though.

Rush Hour

Updated 5/2015: No longer in operation :/

Escaped: 1/4

Our reviews: Rush Hour 50 @ Setapak

Impression: We only played one room, but for such a small room, they have unexpectedly a large of amount of locks to be solved, and while the puzzles aren’t particularly hard, it is also surprisingly satisfying whenever I could unlock yet another lock. Another plus point is that there’s not a lot of distraction hence all the time could be spent solving puzzles.
I would go back to try other rooms.


Updated 5/2015: No longer in operation

Escaped: 2/4

Our reviews: Traphauz @ Sunway Mentari

Impression: Maths. Stupid service. Maths. Pixel Hunting. Maths.

Xcape Sg

Site: http://www.xcapesg.my/

Escaped: 3/4

Our reviews: Xcape Sg Penang

Impression: Recent import of a successful venture from Singapore. Everything was new and classy when we played. Great use of movie themes in games (like you know it’s Inception when you step into the room and hear the music). Fresh concept of hint system applied: you have to find tokens in the room to redeem your hints (wave token and smile at the cctv 🙂 ). Lots of mechanics in some rooms to keep gameplay interesting. We also like how they incorporate seasonal elements (Christmas bells and carolling~~) in their game. Although unrelated to the theme, it’s just fun~



