Review: Chamber of Hocus, Breakout @ Avenue K

breakout avenue k chamber of hocus magician

Breakout @ Avenue K never fail to impress us again with their high quality production and innovative elements in their escape games. Chamber of Hocus is a magic theme room, and the room is actually designed by a professional magician, so you can expect to be surprised by some real magic tricks setup in this room which is unseen in any other escape games.

What I really like about Breakout is the fact that they designed the rooms with a basis of “fair play”. Unlike some other escape game that we’ve played which we can clearly feel that the designer of the room seemed to purposely made the puzzles so complicated and distracting or illogical so that the player won’t win. Whereas the rooms in Breakout reasonably provide all the clues that the players need to solve all the puzzles and win the game. It’s a sweet spot between being challenging enough and yet getting all the necessary resources to be able to solve it.

We managed to breakout the room within time limit, and according to the staff, we are the first group that were able to breakout without asking for any hint (license to boast :P). Looking forward to challenge the remaining 3 rooms. Anyone wants to join us next round? 

Props & Sets : 5/5
Difficulties : 3/5
Production Quality : 5/5
Search amount : 3/5
Surprise level : 5/5


Highly recommended!

This room is featured in our 2014 Best Escape Rooms for First Timers.

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Image taken from Breakout’s website. Visit to find out more and go play their rooms!

Our primary search/retrieve power, who has keen eyes for visual puzzles but ADHD-prone. He always believes that there must be a hidden clue yet to be found whenever there's an unsolvable puzzle. Hates irrelevant distraction in escape rooms. Has a favourite pet named Charsiu. Special Skills: Raid and search, 3D eyes