Review: Secret Dungeon & Potted Prisoner, Lockdown KL @ Bukit Bintang


So Lockdown KL came up with 2 new games for a limited time only: Secret Dungeon & Potted Prisoner. These are Harry Potter inspired games designed in conjunction of a recent stand-up comedy gig by 2 Brits titled “Potted Potter”. When we played, there was a promotion of RM28 per game if we play 2 games back-to-back, and we entered the competition as a group of 4 to win some VIP tickets to watch the comedy.

Both Secret Dungeon & Potted Prisoner made use of their existing game: Kidnapped! and Bail Out. We understand that many escape game operators have tried to reinvent their older rooms into new games so as not having the need to renovate the place again (save cost!). Not many operators have succeeded, especially when players are able to identify the old mechanics and props.

However, this was not the case for Lockdown KL. Even though we have played Kidnapped! previously (see review here), we thoroughly enjoyed Secret Dungeon and sees it as its own game. Yes, the same game mechanics are still there, but the new puzzles made the whole game feels completely different from its previous form.  Clever puzzles made up for the time saved knowing where were the locks and doors. Lockdown KL never intend to hide the fact that it is a recycled room, so that helps to keep our expectations in check. Like Kidnapped!, the Secret Dungeon falls on the easy side.

I like Potted Prisoner even more. Potted Prisoner feels a little more thematic, due to its basement study backdrop. The puzzles felt right with the theme, with a little side quest to complete. I like the use of puzzles that require some deductive reasoning, and not just decoding puzzles (ie image/symbol A to letter/number B) which are favoured by most of the other escape game operators here. As usual, there were no high tech mechanics here, which proves that simple but good puzzles can still be fun.

In the end, we won the free tickets to the comedy. If you missed that contest, fret not. Lockdown KL is extending these games into another contest to win free tickets to Now You See Me 2. Check out the link below and go play to win some goodies. If not, at least you’ll be assured of a fun escape experience.

Image taken from Lockdown KL Facebook page.

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Our lady boss who does nothing much really, but pondering at puzzles and ordering people around. Apparently her stars say she can't work, or she'll die. Instead of buying cincin, she jimat all her money to play escape games now. Hates maths, keeps time, loves games with engaging plot and narratives. Special Skills: Admiring the artwork, furnishing, puzzle setup and decor in game
review-secret-dungeon-potted-prisoner-lockdown-kl-bukit-bintangPros: Thematic, Interesting puzzles, Small surprise Cons: Maths