Review: The Encounter – The Apartment, Singapore


Remember I wanted to tell you about our games from our Singapore last year. REaLLY SoRRy it took sooooo freakin’ long to write this up. The Encounter – The Apartment is no new kid. It has been around since few years ago but we only had the chance to play last year. No choice la, our currency so weak, cannot always hop across the causeway. Some of you have already played it, but I’ll just do a short review for those who haven’t.

The Encounter – The Apartment, is certainly the most unique experience we had in our escape career. It didn’t really feel or play out like your normal escape game. Well, they didn’t brand it as one anyway. Games from The Encounter were branded as Real Life Suspense games. So, the goal is to keep you guessing what’s going to happen, or what just happened through out the whole game…. And creep the hell out of you…

The Apartment is not for the faint-hearted. The game is set, well, in an apartment. Everything feels real and familiar, down to the old sofa sets and children books. It’s not all scary, horror and gore like many of the other games out there. It’s just creepy. And it’s extra creepy when you don’t actually know what to expect, what will happen, and what to look for, in a dimly lit apartment where things start to come alive…

Yes, it’s like you are interacting with an unseen being, handing you task after task after task, which you have to fulfil in order for the story to unfold. It’s not about solving puzzles, or searching for the obscure clue. Just follow the cues, do what is told, and you will be rewarded with more insights into the lives and minds of the occupants of the apartment, whom have disappeared.

Yes, vanished, according a host of neighbours and security guards, who were interviewed in a make-belief news report showed to you. As the ace of the police force, have been tasked to investigate the apartment, to find out why the occupants, a single mother and two daughters, have just disappeared.

Rest assured that voices from the dark side will be heard.

We didn’t complete the game at the 1 hour mark, but we made it past 60% if I remembered. We are allowed to return next time at this save point to finish up the game, with a handsome discount. In game, we get to call the commander (gamemaster here) if we need hints. We get calls from the commander if we do anything silly in the apartment. This communication system feels natural in game, and wouldn’t spoil game immersiveness. And I bet the game master had active interference in the game, unlike other games in which the game master passively await for your call for hints.

So, come to The Apartment. You will be rewarded with an experience like never before. The Encounter has released further 3 games, think of it as season 2,3,4 to The Apartment. Wonder if the suspense can be sustained through out all the games….

Highly recommended.